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Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Light Saber Show

Oh my, I can't believe how fun this is. Aaron (who is learning piano keyboard) figured out how to get the upstairs keyboard to play this demo song, and then he choreographed this "light saber dance" and even let me film it. He would only face one way, so I had to cram into a corner and was a bit close, but it worked out. Never in my life would I have imagined Aaron could come up with something like this. The boy's got moves to make even Yoda freak...

Oh, if you haven't seen Aaron and Sammy's track and field video, you gotta scroll down to June 7.

1 comment:

BarbRey said...

Oh my goodness, first thing I had to do this morning was view my lil' grandson Aaron and review his light saber show. What a cute lil "swashbuckler"!!

Nannie Romio

And, kudos to the videographer and sound tech (Sammy), he turned the sound on, I understand.