Saturday, July 19, 2008

Kid Joke of the Day

Here's the script of this morning's Aaron and Sammy joke:

Why did the chicken cross the train tracks without looking both ways?

(Without hesitation) Because he was too busy thinking about hair.

You got it!

(Looks dumbfounded)

(Mom starts laughing and Dad joins in)

Actually I meant to say feathers. Because he was too busy thinking about buying some feathers.

Now perhaps you're all wondering like I am how Aaron could have known that answer?!?!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Leo Carillo and Pt. Mugu Camping Reunion

(Elisa thinks this is my best video to date...)

We arrived at Leo Carillo State Beach campground the evening of July 9 to reconnect with my "former childhood stepsister" Michelle (I just call her my sis), along with her husband Ryan and two kids, Jade and baby Ayden. Jade looks almost exactly like Michelle did at that age. The last time I was at Leo Carrillo I was about that age and was with Michelle and the rest of what was our extended family at that time, so this reunion brought back some lost memories.

The first part of the video is of Leo Carillo, with one actual photo of Michelle(!) also duplicated in an enlargement. We were supposed to take a brother/sister shot but I guess were otherwise distracted. The beach is a true natural wonder, on a less beaten path just north of Malibu.

The next part is of the second leg of the trip a few miles further north, at Sycamore Campground (just south of Point Mugu [not MAGU!] State Beach). It's a toss up what's more beautiful, Sycamore or Leo Carrillo. We were graced with many close encounters with wildlife, including dolphins and seals. And as is often the case with Sammy, he provided more than his fair share of comic relief and friend-making. Aaron and Sammy fans will certainly not be disappointed in general!

On the way home, we had a surprise for the kids, which you should be careful to watch for at the REAL end of the video. Oh yeah, the song is "Out of Breath" by Lifehouse. Post a comment.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Leo Carillo Tide Pool and Rocks

The morning after we arrived at Leo Carillo, we took an early trip out to the beach at low tide, all of us except Michelle, who doesn't appear in this video because she was sleeping in with the baby (besides being a vampiress who doesn't show up on film--hee hee--see the other video). We had a great time exploring the tide pools and the natural beauty of the whole Leo Carrillo experience.

Aiming for a subtly different take compared to the other video, I tried to sum up the wonder-filled feeling of that morning in what turns out to be my most subdued video to date. Gentle souls may resonate more here. It's set to Bach's Cello Suite #1 - Prelude (one of my favorites)--I guess I've done a complete 180 from my punk rock birthday video. -Blaine