Friday, October 31, 2008

The Night's Festivities 10/31

Here is a short video of the October 31st festivities as put on by our church here in Lake Arrowhead. Like normal Halloween but souped up on deluxe candy-roids for a more full-throttle-but-family-friendly effect, with a dash of "The Fiery Furnace" from the book of Daniel. Aaron was the good Anakin Skywalker and Sammy was a clone trooper. Elisa and I went as a "respectable couple" (note my short hair now) predisposed toward proving our ping pong prowess whilst our progeny partook of the party and paraded their pricey apparel, perspicaciously spoken per pomposity (pwa-ha-ha!)...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Getting Old, Staying Busy

We're back! Taking a breath for a quick post...finally. September was a busy month, mostly getting started with homeschooling the boys for the first time (post coming soon), but also busy with music lessons. I'm happy to say I have more music students than ever--I think 40--which happens to match my age.

On the age topic, I'm becoming more and more familiar with "the law of diminishing returns" but less and less familiar with what exactly that means! I don't really have the "momnesia" excuse Elisa does, so I'll just chalk it up to the over-the-hill thing. Let me explain.

Take this past Saturday as an example. Picture day for soccer. I'm coach for Sammy's team, assistant for Aaron's. Pictures are going well. All morning I'm asking myself and several others "I wonder when the coaches versus referees game is?" A little later, Aaron's coach asks me if I'm playing in the game today. Oh yeah, the game is the same day every year, picture day. Pretty memorable, huh? So why couldn't I remember?

Game time, I feel like a smarter soccer player than ever, with more confidence and command of the game. Why won't my body just do what I tell it to do? (The universal complaint, so I didn't feel alone). It got a bit embarrassing when people started making fun of all of my misses on goal in the first half. Come second half, I persevered and did manage to eek out two goals and an assist, and the coaches did win for the first time in several years (5-4), but I'm still feeling it two days later.

Anyone else identify?