Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Coolest Summer Video Ever (uh-huh) 2006

Created during the summer of 2006, one of my favorite video edits. (All my videos are short and to the point, sort of the "best of reel", so don't be afraid to watch 'em).

SCENE 1: We had this little pool on our deck (ultimately bundled up on the garage floor and then burned by the undercarriage of our car), and Aaron learned to swim in it. Interesting swimming style. Mom's and Dad's, swimming goggles work great to help get kids over their fear of swimming.

SCENE 2: Beach montage. Aaron and Sammy befriend this 8 or 9 year old girl at Newport Beach. She let them play with her kite for hours.

SCENE 3: Sammy decides the little girl is more interesting than her kite, and it's a real crackup how he takes her hand and walks her to the shore "surf style". He manages to keep the kite, too.

SCENE 4: Aaron sort of skim boarding, but rather standing on his boogie board on shore and letting the dangerous Newport shore-break speed under him (life jacket included).

FINAL SHOTS: More of Sammy and girl. My second day trying skim boarding. Sammy gets hit by it (not so bad), drops the kite string--never fear, all is well.